A beautiful letter from Osho in his own handwriting, and with his signature.
How may I help you?
A beautiful letter from Osho in his own handwriting, and with his signature.
A rebellious person is one who has understood the whole nonsense of the society, and simply slips out of it.
He does not fight with it; on the surface he even continues to pretend that he belongs with you.
He is a clever person.
He is clever enough -- he is neither orthodox nor revolutionary, he is just rebellious.
But his rebellion is so intelligent that he knows there is no point -- if the society says "Walk on the left" he walks on the left, because there is no point in fighting in this -- it is meaningless.
On the surface he goes on following the society; deep down he has slipped out of it, deep down he starts living his own life.
You ask for my ten commandments.
This is very difficult
because I am against any sort of commandment.
Yet, just for the fun of it I set down what follows:
1. Obey no orders except those from within.
2. The only God is life itself.
3. Truth is within, do not look for it elsewhere.
4. Love is prayer.
5. Emptiness is the door to truth; it is the means, the end and the achievement.
6. Life is here and now.
7. Live fully awake.
8. Do not swim, float.
9. Die each moment so that you are renewed each moment.
10. Stop seeking. That which is, is: stop and see.
A cup of Tea Letter #124