Daily meditations are usually included in our ongoing programs. If you wish to only participate in our daily meditations, please note that they are presented in the months of January and August. This is available only to sannyasins who have been with Osho for long time.
The range of meditation techniques offered in the main meditation hall called Osho Shunya Mandir includes:
The range of meditation techniques offered in the main meditation hall called Osho Shunya Mandir includes:
6:30 am: Osho Dynamic Meditation
This is one hour long scientific technique designed to release tensions, repressed emotions opening the way to a new vitality and an experience of profound silence.
11:45 am: Dance Meditation
Dance is an inseparable part of Osho's vision of a celebrating humanity. "I have invariably included dance in my methods of meditation, because there is nothing more miraculous for meditation than dancing. If you dance fully, if you dance totally, then in that dance your being comes out of the body. The body will go on moving in rhythm but you will experience that you are out of the body. And then your real dance begins: below, the body will go on dancing: above, you will dance. You will become nataraj, the king of dance." OshoWe offer some of the well known Osho's meditations based on dance like 'Natraj Meditation, Kirtan Meditation, Stop Dance, Sufi Whirling'.etc
4 pm: Osho Kundalini Meditation
This is a one hour long active meditation which shakes free dormant energies and through spontaneous dance turns these energies inwards. Then there arises stillness, silence and sanity.

6:30 pm: Evening Meeting of Osho White Robe Brotherhood
The highlight of the day is the evening meeting of the Osho White Robe Brotherhood. Osho has asked his people all over the world to sit together at this time to practice celebratory meditation followed by his recorded discourse.

We also offer silent retreat
in the month of February.
Participants can live here in
silence in the company of lush
green trees, snow-capped
mountains and gushing
in the month of February.
Participants can live here in
silence in the company of lush
green trees, snow-capped
mountains and gushing