Osho's Last Namaste"Zen masters know how to live and also know how to die. They take neither life seriously nor death seriously. Seriousness is a sick way of looking at existence. A man of perfection will love to live, and will love to die. His life will be a dance, and his death will be a song. There will be no distinction between life and death.

Our search is for the immeasurable. The measurable can be left to the scientists. The mystics are concerned with the immeasurable.

It is time for Sardar Gurudayal Singh.
Put the lights on! I love to see my people laughing. I am absolutely against seriousness, but unfortunately I have to discuss serious things. But it is good to make you first serious, then laughter comes more easily. Then it gives a great relaxation.

Last meditation at the end of discourse:

It is time, Nivedano… (Drumbeat)
Nivedano… (Drumbeat)

Be silent… Close your eyes…and feel yourself completely frozen.
This is the right moment to enter inwards.
Gather all your energy, your total consciousness, and rush towards the inner center with deep intensity and urgency.
The center is just two inches below the navel, inside the body.
Faster…and faster… Deeper…and deeper…
As you come closer to the center of being, a great silence descends over you, and inside a peace, a blissfulness, a light that fills your whole interior. This is your original being. This is your buddha.
At this moment, witness that you are not the body, not the mind, not the heart, but just the pure witnessing self, the pure consciousness. This is your buddhahood, your hidden nature, your meeting with the universe. These are your roots.
Nivedano… (Drumbeat)

Relax…and just be a silent witness.
You start melting like ice in the ocean. Gautama the Buddha Auditorium becomes an oceanic field of consciousness. You are no longer separate—this is your oneness with existence.
To be one with existence is to be a buddha, it is your very nature. It is not a question of searching and finding, you are it, right now.
Gather all the flowers, the fragrance, the flame and the fire, the immeasurable, and bring it with you as you come back.
Nivedano… (Drumbeat)

Come back peacefully, silently, as a buddha.
Just for a few seconds close your eyes and remember the path and the source you have found, and the buddha nature that you have experienced.
This moment you are the most blessed people on the earth. Remembering yourself as a buddha is the most precious experience, because it is your eternity, it is your immortality.
It is not you, it is your very existence. You are one with the stars and the trees and the sky and the ocean. You are no longer separate.

The last word of Buddha was, sammasati.
Remember that you are a buddha—sammasati."

On the evening of 10th Osho tells Anando that as he finished the discourse, his energy completely changed. He explains that in the same way one enters the world through nine months in the womb, nine months before dying the energy again enters an incubatory period for death.

Read article -

That Night Another Reality Opened Its Door. Osho on His Enlightenment.