
Swami Satyam Shivam

Facilitates group(s):
» Self-Discovery
» Osho Neo Vipassana

From an early age, Sw. Shivam had a keen interest in spirituality, art and literature. He first came across Osho and meditation in 1998. For few years, he worked as a television journalist and then as a senior correspondent for a spiritual magazine, quitting it to pursue his creative passions of writing and painting full-time. The turning point in his life was coming to Osho Nisarga and taking sannyas in 2007. He’s been on the journey of meditation and self-discovery ever since, besides conducting Osho meditation workshops since 2013.

Describing his experience, he says, “Experimenting with different methods and persisting with others, I’ve found out, that meditation for me is a way to be at ease and peace with myself and joyful without a reason. It’s a gift from Osho. In whatever I do or not do he is part of my life. And thus, in all my creative expressions I can work from new perspectives, the wisdom of the master seeping in every time.”

Since 2014, Sw. Shivam has been practising and teaching Zen meditations such as Zazen, Boketto, Fura Fura. He knows it is best to go straight to the point of truth! This is because our true nature has nothing to do with time and becoming, it has nothing to do with feeling good or bad, or with thoughts and ideas, it is beyond the body, beyond energy and beyond anything you can do. Your true nature cannot be found. It is and is and is… And it isn't an 'it'. Neither an object, nor a subject, truth is a Lion's Roar and to know it you must be a light unto yourself...