
Swami Antar Rahi

Facilitates group(s):
» Transforming Work into Meditation
» Photography Meditation Retreat

Swami Rahi, an Osho disciple since his teenage days, loves life as taught by Osho, to live in totality. He considers life as the greatest teacher if one remains open and receptive to it each moment.

He loves to enjoy in the meditative atmosphere of the commune and had the fortune of living in Osho communes since 2000, dedicating his life to Osho’s work. To him, sannyas means passionate creativity. He loves photography deeply. He is also into web designing and development, documentary filmmaking, adventurer, trekking facilitator, and DJ. He learned everything by himself and not from any institute or school, as he believes that one can learn only technical stuff in schools and the practicality remains missing. One has to not just think beyond the box, one has to break it.

He has more than 20 years of experience of work meditation in commune and regular life. To worship in the commune is to get soaked in the energy field of an enlightened master. In the ordinary sense of work, there is ambition, stress, competition. With meditation, work is transformed into play and relaxation. With sincerity and responsibility towards one’s own self-growth making meditation a part of our day to day life, it is easy to create a balance between work and meditation.