
Sw. Dhyan Akhil

Facilitates group(s):
» Osho Neo-Reiki

Swami Dhyan Akhil came in contact with Osho in his childhood through his father. He started listening to Osho's discourses and exploring various meditation techniques devised by the enlightened master. As this transformative process got intensified, the moment came when he got initiated into Osho's Neo-Sannyas in the year 1990.

Osho’s active meditations helped him deeply in his inner journey of self-realization. Besides this, he had a keen interest in metaphysical energy work, mysticism, and spiritual healing. At Osho Nisarga, in Dharmshala, he came in contact with a senior healer Ma Anand Himani in 2011. He attended her workshops every year regularly. He got trained and was initiated by her as Osho Neo Reiki Master in 2017.

Since then, he has been assisting Ma Anand Himani and also learning to grow in all possible ways to share his energy with the new seekers on the path.