Gurdjieff Sacred Movements (2025)
April 17 - 28
Apr 16th till 4 pm
Apr 28th after 2 pm
Only in English
Program Type
Also for Beginners
Ma Amiyo & Sw. Chetan

Program Details
Come and participate in one of the most powerful experience of awakening to yourself, bringing consciousness to your life: The Practice of Gurdjieff Sacred Movements on music created for them by Gurdjieff himself and De Hartmann.
This program is open to everyone, independent of experience!
If you have felt the need in you to do something beyond the realms of a monotonous life, to give more values to your life, outer, but most importantly inner, If you have tried by yourself and this has brought you to the conclusion that it is impossible within the context of day to day life then this Movements retreat may offer you support, and best conditions for working on yourself. Stepping out of your routine and system, being together with people who are sharing the same longing to live in a more conscious and loving way, sharing a relation of reciprocal attention and care, the Movements are an essential part of the teaching of G.I.Gurdjieff, an enlightened mystic of the XX century.
Gurdjieff created about 250 Movements or dances, some of them coming from Sufi, Tibetan, Buddhist, or Gnostic traditions, in Central Asia, Tibet, Egypt, Middle East; some of them created by Gurdjieff himself on music composed by Gurdjieff and Thomas de Hartmann. The Movements in general are of incomparable beauty and uniqueness, each complete in itself. They offer the opportunity to see ourselves in our utmost nudity, and at the same time to lift ourselves from the mud in which we might be immersed, opening doors to higher places inside ourselves from which we can start living a more conscious life.
The Movements involving our 3 centres proved to be tools which we can use against the downward movement of inertia. We can use some for relaxation, others to grow out of sadness or down moods, others to vivify the courage to go on, others to feel the totality and joy of aliveness, and most of all some to feel that our being plays the role of antennae through which some higher force can act.
The practice demanding our whole attention, they offer a shelter against the ordinary life preoccupations and anxieties. And so it results in complete relaxation, even though the Movements can be very active.
This program includes:
- Primarily, an intensive practice of the Movements: positions, transitions, right tonicity, right tempo and clear vision of space.
- Sensitivity to music;
- Rhythmic exercises
- Place of the Movements within their larger context: the teaching of Gurdjieff - Readings of Gurdjieff, Mme De Salzmann, Osho, Hazrat Inhayat Khan, Bennett .
- Meditations and inner exercises.
- Theatre and dance creative improvisations in relation with the theme of self-observation
- Observations and sharing: How our experiences while practicing the Movements are the reflections of how we face the events and challenges in our life, and how we can find in ourselves the courage and energy to act from a space of pure awareness