Dhyan Sutra: The Path of Meditation (2025)

June 11 - 15

Arrival Date & Time

June 10th till 4 pm

Departure Date & Time

June 15th after 2 pm


Only in Hindi

Program Type

Also for beginners


Swami Nirav Jayant

Program Details

Dhyan Sutras are directions that offer clear guidance for the path of meditation.
This group is a step-by-step account of how to prepare the body, mind & emotions to enhance your meditation.

Osho's powerful techniques are selected from Darshan Diaries and other discourses to support you in the marketplace and daily life. Specially designed simple exercises, dance, Tia-Chi movements, and nature walks are the tools to be used in this group. Also, Dynamic and Kundalini meditation will be discussed in detail for a better understanding.

This group is an invitation for both new as well as experienced meditators to absorb life-transforming techniques.

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