Art of Living and Dying (2024)

July 04 - 07

Arrival Date & Time

July 3rd till 4 pm

Departure Date & Time

Jul 7th after 2 pm


Only in Hindi

Program Type

Also for Beginners

Facilitated by

Sw. Prem Vartan

Program Details

If you are thinking about life, what is life? If you are worried about death, if you are not living the life you want to live. If you are in the state of confusion, not having any clue what to do and how, if you are seeking for the love, the path of mediation, clarity and wish to live a life full of abundance, acceptance for the life and death this retreat is an invitation for you all.

Through Osho meditation techniques we will learn the art of living and dying. In this retreat we would learn the art of living with joy, celebration, love and awareness and learn the art of dying with surrender, acceptance and awareness. We would explore what is life, what is death the relationship between life, death and meditation: the art of living life in totality and a conscious approach to dying.

Knowing Death from the Inside

Meditation is the only way to know death from the inside. Until then we have only experienced death from the outside. We have seen other people dying, or the death of an animal or a plant.

In a safe and supportive space, we learn to face our fear of death and discover trust – the trust that arises when we recognize who we are, at the very core of our being, immortal, undying consciousness.

When we are relaxed in this space of trust, we create an atmosphere that enables others around us to relax as well. This is the greatest gift we can share with one another, especially in times of massive change, such as death or bereavement.


Secrets of Living and Dying:

* A taste of the joy that arises when you live from a place of trust *

* Confidence in your ability to share the space of relaxed, loving awareness, the space of trust, with others. *

* Meditative tools to stay relaxed and present in the moment even in the face of death – our own or another’s. *

* The experience that death is not a thing to be feared, and instead realize that it is an intrinsic part of life. *


* Osho insights and quotes about Love, Death and Dying. *

* Meditations from The Book of Secrets by Osho, some of them coming from Sufi, Tibetan and Buddhist. *

* The only thing we really have is here and now. *

* Group sharing, connecting with friends from around the world. *

* An opportunity to explore life’s biggest questions, deeply and experientially. *

* Directions regarding Osho meditations that may help you at this stage of your journey. *

"This freedom is the goal of all religious search. Freedom from attachment is freedom from death. Freedom from attachment is freedom from the wheel of birth and death. Freedom from attachment makes you capable of entering into the universal light and becoming one with it. And that is the greatest blessing, the ultimate ecstasy beyond which nothing else exists. You have come home."