Ma Santoshi

Ma SantoshiAs a meditator and a traveler on the path of spirituality for the past 17 years, I have come across many ways to shut down the mind. The most simple and effective method I have found is "silence". Just dropping words and simply…being.

Silence takes me into a new dimension. My mind slows down and I start feeling deeply into myself, listening to my body, sensing, feeling-a full magic opens up by just being present moment to moment. Then all my worries, all my problems in life look so "unreal"; I relax into my natural flow and a sweet sensation arises…I call it bliss.

Silence is my conscious choice to "move inwards". This is the opposite direction to my worldly life: running after material comforts, personal recognition and relationships. Silence is an effortless way to bring me back "home".

I have just come out of my second 21 day Silent Retreat meditation at Osho Nisarga. This is my most favorite place in the world to be in silence. I have been to many different spiritual centers: Tibetan, Buddhist, Hindu, Zen… but only Osho Nisarga gave me the freedom and support to retreat without the obligation of having to practice any specific methods.

And there is so much beauty in simply allowing the silence to emerge on its own. Slowing down every action, being attentive to the senses: walking, eating and sitting whilst simply witnessing.

With this letter I would like to inspire all of you who are longing to reconnect with yourselves to take a holiday from the world and enjoy the beauty of silence.

I also would like to express my gratitude to all those who contribute to create Osho Nisarga and who so beautifully support us, "meditators", to dive into the wonders of our own silence.

Special thanks to loving Neelam, beautiful Priya and sweet Tathagat.

With Love, Santoshi

"Silence is blissfulness. As you become silent, you cannot be worried, you cannot be tense; you cannot be miserable, you cannot be noisy, you cannot be chattering continuously. Silence simply clears the ground for blissfulness to be discovered.
As you become silent, a certain sweetness, a certain fragrance, a certain beatitude spontaneously arises in you."

- Osho