Ma Prem Natasha

Ma Prem NatashaIn our society dance is either mindless shaking of the body in a noisy disco or a profession, a technique, demanding lots of practice and discipline.

Osho Nisarga offers a unique group Dancing Soul that will unravel to you the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimension of dance.

This intense 9-day course led by two beautiful facilitators Amiyo and Chetan, takes you on a journey to your inner depths through harmonious movement.

It is as nourishing for beginners as for professional dancers. It really develops your body language, sensitivity and awareness of being in motion. And you will  feel uplifted!

Amiyo's experience in teaching dance is immense! She brings all kinds of exercises, group sessions, meditations, to involve you totally.

All this happens in a truly wonderful environment of Osho Nisarga, full of vastness, nature, calm, majestic views of the Himalayas, delicious food and great accommodation with caring, supportive fellow dancers from all over the world!

You will feel encouraged to drop your inhibitions, fear and rigidity, and to open up your body and mind to new perspectives.

Each year Dancing Soul has a different theme and an altogether new flavour.

Last year, it was the "5 shamanic elements" and I still feel the pulsation of African drums; this year the "male female polarity" inspired me to observe my body language to involve both sides of my personality.

And above all, since the participation in the Dancing Soul, I keep on dancing every day! In dance I found a way to express and to experience myself. To nourish my energy and enhance my creativity. Each day I can connect with this silent way of being where time and space are not. Because in the heart of the dancer is a deep pool of stillness.

Sharing my incredible experience, I invite you also to discover your Dancing Soul!

My deepest gratitude and love to Amiyo, Chetan, Ma Neelam, Priya and all  Nisarga friends who made this journey real. We are all here because of you, beloved Osho, no words can tell what the heart sings.